Friday 24 September 2010

NCT Campaigning Objectives.

NCT Campaigning Objectives

Pregnancy and Birth
1. One-to-one support in labour
2. Birth environments designed around women’s needs
3. Easily accessible, individualised services for all
4. Choice of place of birth
5. Well informed parents and professionals
6. Protection and promotion of the normality of birth
1. The Baby Friendly Initiative being fully implemented
2. Informed, individualised support
3. Integrated government breastfeeding strategies
4. Peer and specialist supporters
5. Well informed and supportive communities
Early Parenthood
1. Information on parenting approaches to be evidence-based
2. Continuous parent-centred, empowering services
3. Improved postnatal care
4. High quality, affordable childcare
5. Improved maternity and paternity leave and pay
Remember that NCT, whether a local branch or nationally, can only campaigns on these objectives. We can help you find a local group to campaign with if you want to campaign on areas such as creche closures, green parenting or international children's issues. Just email us on

Had a Local Campaigning Success?

Get in touch and help us turn YOUR success into a guide for other activists to use. Power to the Parents!

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