Wednesday 22 September 2010

Extending UK Maternity Leave

Extending UK Maternity Leave

Released on 17/09/2010

Background: An impact assessment carried out by the European Parliament revealed that the cost of extending maternity leave to 20 weeks at full pay in the UK would be £2.5bn per year. MEPs will vote on the proposal in October 2010. 

Belinda Phipps, Chief Executive of NCT, said: “NCT supports the right of all parents to equal access to time off after the birth of their baby. We support the introduction of extended periods of maternity leave.  Currently maternity leave payments lag behind minimum wage and create a situation whereby time of to care for young children is not available to those with the lowest resources to rely on. 

“We fully appreciate the difficult economic situation for businesses and the government, but failing to address the inequalities in the maternity leave system brushes the problem under the carpet.  Women are faced with the decision to go back to work too early due to economic pressure, more and more in a tough economic climate.  With that decision comes childcare costs and arrangements as well as unnecessary pressure at such a precious time in their baby’s development.

“Providing 20 weeks paid leave would be a giant step to take, but one in the right direction if we are going to create a family-friendly society that respects the rights of all mothers regardless of their current salary.  We would therefore call on the government and UK MEPs to support the principle of working towards at least 20 weeks paid leave and examine when this may be possible within the forthcoming comprehensive spending review.”

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