Friday 24 September 2010

NCT Active - Take Action for Parents!

NCT Active - Take Action for Parent!

Latest action you can take: Stop misleading exams in England!

Do you want your children to be educated with inaccurate information about formula feeding? You can take action now to ensure education and exams provide the accurate information.

How to take action:

Join NCT Active and you can send an email to the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Nick Gibb MP, your own MP and Ofqual, asking them to stop industry influence in education. Read more about NCT's concerns about exam papers.

Join NCT Active now

If you are already a member of NCT Active please log in to your account

What is NCT Active?

NCT Active is our free, easy and quick to use campaigners’ network 

What happens if I join?

Once you join we will send you a monthly newsletter with news of our successes and tips to make a real and lasting difference for parents in your local area.  We will ask you to spend two minutes once a month to make a difference for you parents in your local area, in your region or nationally.  
You will also be able to log in to find out about our current campaigns and take action straight away. You don’t need to be a member of NCT- you just need the desire to help parents during pregnancy and birth, babyfeeding and early parenthood.

For any more information please e-mail

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