Wednesday 24 November 2010

RCM Call For Action

RCM Call For Action

NCT Press Statement

Belinda Phipps, Chief Executive, NCT, said;
“Since the coalition came into power we have been disappointed by lack of action to improve maternity care. The pre-election promises, made by both parties, to increase numbers of midwives in England are yet to be realised. This is despite numerous studies showing the detrimental effects of a shortage of midwives and lack of investment in maternity services on mothers and their families.” 
NPEU Study 
“The National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit (NPEU) study demonstrates there have been some important improvements in maternity care. But focusing attention on individual targets can be detrimental to the overall quality of care.
“It does paint a glum picture of maternity care in the UK and echoes what NCT has been saying for some time. All these problems point back to a lack of midwives and investment in maternity services and we call on the Government to address these issues as soon as possible.
“Lack of antenatal care is also a worry. Cash strapped trusts looking to reduce their costs will cut down or halt provision of antenatal classes. Couple this with the shortage of midwives and the outlook is not rosy. We believe it’s vital that parents have the opportunity to attend antenatal classes, to prepare them for birth, and have one to one supportive care from a midwife throughout their labour and birth.
“NCT’s own research has found many women said they felt helpless, isolated and abandoned by the care they received in hospital with references to seeing different midwives at each contact, feeling unsupported and receiving conflicting advice. How many more surveys showing unhappy parents are needed before the message is heard, and real steps are taken to address their needs?”

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