Sunday 24 October 2010

Comprehensive Spending Review NCT Official Press Release 20-10-2010.

Comprehensive Spending Review NCT Official Press Release 20-10-2010.
Released on 20/10/2010
NCT Press Statement

Anne Fox, Head of Campaigns & Public Policy, NCT, commenting on the Comprehensive Spending Review, says;

“Some of the measures announced today will hit Britain where it hurts the most – the future generation. The Prime Minister said; 'We want to see Britain become the most family-friendly country in Europe', what has been announced today is likely to make it more difficult for many mothers and fathers  to start and raise a family in the UK.

While some of the measures announced, such as the increase in the child element of the child tax credit for low-income families, will benefit some families, we are concerned that many other parents will be adversely affected by some of the other announcements made today, adding to a litany of changes affecting families announced since the Emergency Budget.

Today’s review has not delivered on the commitment to make Britain the most family-friendly country in Europe. We look forward to seeing the forthcoming recommendations in the Poverty and Life Chances Review, and the Early Intervention Review, and hope that they will encourage a more supportive environment for families, that can be backed up by government action."

      Child benefit will be frozen for three years. This will take effect from April 2011. 
      The cut in child tax credit for those on combined income of over £40,000 will take effect from April 2011 with further changes in 2012-13.
      The Health in Pregnancy Grant (£190) has been abolished and takes effect from 1st January 2011.
      The Sure Start Maternity Grant (£500 per baby) will be restricted to only the first-born child from April 2011.
      From October 2011, lone parents will be expected to look for work when their youngest child goes to school.
      The Child Trust Fund will be abolished. Government contributions will cease from 1st January 2011.
      In January 2011 VAT will rise by 2.5%, bringing it to 20%.
      Housing benefit to be capped at £400 per week for a four-bedroom house from April 2011.
      In 2008, 790,000 children were born in the UK, of which 43% were born to first-term parents. That is estimated at over 300,000 babies born in the UK to first-time parents.

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